

We recognise that certain groups of debt solution applicants may be vulnerable.

Whilst not all in these groups may be vulnerable, we will consider individual circumstances where a potential vulnerability is identified. These groups may include, but are not restricted to:

  • Long-term sickness, serious illness, or frailty
  • Elderly
  • Physical disability
  • People with learning difficulties or mental health problems
  • Recent bereavement
  • Severe financial difficulties
  • Customers with communication difficulties
  • Customers with a history of alcohol or drug misuse

Where we know that a person may be vulnerable, we will adapt our services accordingly to minimise any distress.


When dealing with vulnerable customers, we will adopt key principles that our advisers will adhere to:

  • We will maintain an up-to-date record of our customers identified as being vulnerable.
  • When appropriate, we will direct our customers to other sources of debt advice, such as Citizens Advice Bureau and Money Advice Service.
  • We will monitor our complaints procedure to identify any trends.
  • Should there be a communication issue, we will use other mediums such as email, text, and Braille. We will signpost to a more suitable company process for specific needs if required.
  • We will maintain a specific complaint procedure for customers unhappy with the conduct of our advisers.
  • We will monitor our advice regularly and review practices.
  • We will publicise free debt advice contact details within our literature.
  • We will encourage customers to contact us if they are experiencing financial hardship.
  • If we cannot offer a debt solution, we will fully explain why.

To learn more about managing debt and receiving free, impartial debt advice, visit Money Helper or read about options for paying off your debt